Find out more about us

Study & Fun was created spontaneously, primarily from our desire to help foreign students who plan to study in Niš to overcome all admissions problems and collect the necessary documentation as easily and simply as possible, and successfully fill out the faculty, visa and residence forms.

There is also the possibility of studying and getting local support in North Macedonia, at the Universities of Skopje and Štip.

In addition, the goal of the Study & Fun organization is to form and gather all foreign students into the community and strengthen their social activity, while providing a welcoming and friendly environment and new experiences.

The enthusiasm, kindness and desire of one man to help others, together with his colleagues and team, was crucial for the creation of the Study & Fun organization. That man is Marko Živadinović.

Study & Fun was created spontaneously, primarily from our desire to help foreign students who plan to study in Niš to overcome all admissions problems and collect the necessary documentation as easily and simply as possible, and successfully fill out the faculty, visa and residence forms.There is also the possibility of studying and getting local support in North Macedonia, at the Universities of Skopje and Štip.In addition, the goal of the Study & Fun organization is to form and gather all foreign students into the community and strengthen their social activity, while providing a welcoming and friendly environment and new experiences. The enthusiasm, kindness and desire of one man to help others, together with his colleagues and team, was crucial for the creation of the Study & Fun organization. That man is Marko Živadinović.

Marko was born in Niš, as a determined enthusiast who values his friendships. After he had finished his studies, Marko spent several years abroad, mainly in Malta, Slovenia and Germany, working in the hotel management and tourism sector, where he learned about the possibilities and development of a multinational and multicultural community.

His return to Serbia sparked the idea of working in an international environment in his own country. The growing popularity of foreign tourists in his hometown was crucial in making local tourism as the basis and foundation of what naturally followed - the establishment of an agency to help young people who want to gain new knowledge, education and adventures, and also get to know new cultures and people.

“I would like to make foreign students feel at home, to help them with local services and provide support and faster integration into the local environment, and to meet their needs for experiences and activities that young people naturally have. Care and attention they can count on is something that makes my service special and defines me as a person.“

Marko Živadinović